Monday, January 30, 2012

Goo Goo GaGa!

Trying his hardest to make conversation! It's adorable. I hope his first word is Mama! 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Confession

I almost never shave the back of my thighs. I realized this yesterday in the shower. (Nowadays I rarely even shave my legs because i'm in and out of the shower in 2.5 seconds.) But I went ahead and shaved them yesterday and they felt smoother. What'ya know? Maybe hair does grow back there. Ha! I'm sure Mike will appreciate the effort!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Flashback Friday

My husband and I when were were kids. 

I was 14, he was 16. This is the only pic I have of us together as kids.

Ok, so how did we meet? Well we actually "met" twice. This first time was because we were both part of a pre-college program called Upward Bound. We'd spend each summer in the college dorms and earning college credit as young teens. (Nerd-alert!) We spent 4 summers together. Which gave us plenty of time to get to know each other! I had the BIGgest crush on him as a kid. I even wrote bout him in my journal. (which we laugh about now) We went to different highschools, so we didn't see each other every day but he'd still drive across town to come visit me (and vice-versa) and see my soccer games or go to football games with me. We were good buddies. He graduated and went on his mission. We wrote and emailed each other a few times but essentially lost touch for about 6 years. I figured (being LDS) he'd have a wife and kids by the time I ever saw him again.

Here's us now.

We've only gotten cuter! :)

The 2nd time we "met" was because somehow I had his number stored in my phone for all these years and I mass texted him and 90 other people "Merry Christmas" and he found out it was me and we just started going back and forth every holiday. Then came the magic of Facebook. I saw him on FB and sent him a request and asked him how he was. About a month later he finally responded with a long, heartfelt and detailed message about his life and I responded likewise. We had both had our hearts broken and were living the single life. I guess we had both come to terms with who we really were and what we wanted out of life.  I (was living in Phoenix at the time) was coming back to Utah to visit and told him we should meet up. He totally tried to get out of it and show up late, but he came to my parent's house and hung out.  I had family and other friends around so we didn't get to talk too much until he was leaving. I walked him to his car and we ended up sitting outside and talking for HOURS. The next day we met up again and went to dinner and the movies. Still nothing too romantic. I still looked at him as a friend. He took me back  to my parents (where I was staying) and hung out until it was time for me to head back to AZ the next morning. We stayed up all night. Eventually I laid my head on him and fell asleep and boom. That's when it happened. I realized "Hey, I still like this guy!" But as an adult. Not a 14 year old girl with a crush on everybody. I kissed him on the lips before I left (my dream finally came true!) and thought...I'll probably never see him again. But I thought about him the entire 15 hour drive home. As soon as I made it back to AZ I called him. I looked around and hated everything about Arizona. I hated my jobs, the heat, my bills (I always hate those), my loneliness. We talked almost everynight from the time I got off of work until the next morning when it was time to go back. Finally we started realizing that we had something and we needed to further explore it. I decided to pack up and move back to Utah.  He told me once I came back that "it's on." And it was. We've been together ever since. My best friend, my husband, My baby-daddy. Who knew?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Family Time

Coen is 3 months old! Man, time is flying by. He's got such a lil personality of his own now. I love it! And he's becoming quite handsome...if I do say so myself

Although I'm home all day everyday, I don't get to see my husband as much as I'd like. He works full time, he's doing an internship and going to school.  He's bustin his ass to take care of us. When he's home it's always a treat. Especially to see him interacting with our son. He sure loves his daddy.  It melts my heart.

I especially cherish moments like these...How stinkin' cute!

...He got called into work right after this...and my son started crying right away! :(
Awww...we love you Daddy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Crappy New Year!

I don't know why I hate New Years. It could have something to do with having to remember to change the last digit of the date or how excited everybody gets to "change" their lives suddenly. OR maybe it's because good things never seem to happen for me at the start of a New Year. January's suck for me. 2009 I went to Jail (don't ask) and 2010 I got in a wreck on the freeway and thought I was going to die. I'm going to avoid going anywhere this year in January.  Call me superstitious, but the past 2 years I've stayed at home for the New Year and it has been great. I'm not much of a "partier" anymore and I'd like to avoid ending up in the ICU for getting hit by a drunk driver on NYE.


Every year my husband and I make a list of " things to do in the new year." This year I have a baby so a lot of my "things" are based around him. My friend and I are going to run a Marathon in May! Yikes! I haven't done a single aerobic based anything since I gave birth. Luckily I have dropped all the weight (Thank-you breastfeeding!) but I'm pretty sure my lungs are going to fall out if I don't get in some sort of shape. I started school today! Even though it's just online, it was a bit overwhelming. I need to get it done though. My husband is going to have his Bachelor's by this spring and then onto his Master's this fall and I do NOT want to be the Mom saying " I wish I finished school" when i'm 40. I'd rather do it now while my lil ones are lil.

I don't really believe in resolutions so I won't make any. But I will promise to try to be a good mom (As good as I can possibly be) and a good wife and celebrate another year of life with my family and people that love me. I will be thankful for everything that I have and remember that there a lot of things that I have that others don't.

Skip making changes. I'm going to appreciate the things that I wouldn't change!