I don't know how I did it but I passed my life science test that I bullshitted on for 3 weeks. Thank goodness. I only missed 3 out of 40. I've gotta get back into the groove. Lately it's been hard because Coen has been so sick and plus we all have been fighting this thing for weeks. Damn Utah weather needs to make up its mind. One minute its sunny next minute it's snowing. I know I've lived here almost my entire life and I should be used to it but....I'm ready for sunshine!
Lately I've been staying up waaaay too late. I don't know when this started but I think it's because it's the only time I have all to myself. I love my husband and my baby but i'd like to be with just myself and my own thoughts once in awhile. I stay up surfing the net, blogging, plucking my eyebrows, taking a long much needed shower, reading a magazine, flipping through the coupons, writing in my journal, studying (rarely) or cleaning up the house a lil. It gives me a lil bit of ME time.
It's probably foolish because I should be sleeping but, I enjoy it.I don't feel rushed. I have so much anxiety with Coen. I hold my breath every time I lay him down to sleep (hoping he doesn't wake up) and when he is awake and I'm doing something I have anxiety about hurrying to get it done before he cries. I think this is why I can't study during the day. I can't concentrate.
Honestly I've always been a night person. I've always worked two jobs leaving the nighttime for me to unwind. Now that Mike works til about midnight or so we usually stay up together catching up and enjoying the presence of the other in the house simultaneously.
Oh well...what can ya do? When it decides to warm up outside I will stop hibernating until noon everyday.