Sunday, August 19, 2012

Early Bird

If you've known me at any time in my life than you know I do not get up early. I don't care if my house on fire. It better be on fire at 3pm or else my ass is burnin!  If I have to rise before early,  only my body will get up. My brain doesn't wake up until about noon. When I lived in Arizona I worked 2 jobs. One started at 6 am and went until 2pm, the other started at 3 pm and went until 11pm. On weekends I'd start my first job at 5 am. I still don't know how I did this.  Well Coen has picked up on my ( I guess normal people would call it "bad") sleeping habits. He sleeps in, which is nice for us because that means, we sleep in too. Most babies wake up at 6 am....he'll wake up between 10:30 and Noon. He also won't sleep without us, so he stays up late (a habit we are trying to break.)

Well lately we've been having to get up early to get some business handled. Mike has a busy schedule so if we want to get anything done together and check out lighting for pictures we have to do it early. Up before 8 is unheard of for me. Saturdays I go to work at 8 but i'm up at like 7:40. I'll admit, it has been kind of nice. It's like you have 2 days. You get up early, do what you gotta do and then take a nap, wake up...and you still have the rest of the day. It's amazing! Our "Elders" got it figured out! :) Still...I will never be a morning person. I enjoyed the days but a few hours in, i'm ready to go back to sleep.

Here's what early morning fun we've had:

Farmer's Market

Look, i'm even smiling!

Antelope Island

Horses get up early to brush their teeth...never would've known that!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

10 Months

Co-Olly Bear is 10 months old today. I literally forgot until somebody asked me the other day how old he was and I realized his 10th month was coming up.  He's just a lil guy. A lot of people think he's about 6 months or so. He definitely got his parent's height.  He is getting quite the personality though. He's starting to stand on his own. He'll do it until you acknowledge it and then he gets scared. He is also "talking" with his hands. He'll go off for like 10 minutes. I have no idea what he's talking about but whatever it is he means business.  Apparently I talk with my hands. I was unaware until I said "where does he get that from?" and everyone's eyes shifted to me. What can I say...we're an animated bunch! He's also becoming quite the dare-devil. I will catch him climbing on top of old diaper boxes or anything stacked. He climbed on top of a lil bicycle the other day and about cracked his head. Good thing I have cat-like reflexes these days. This kid is quick!  He is understanding the concept of "No!" Even if I just look at him sternly he knows he's in trouble. Sometimes he'll argue with me a lil bit about it first. I'll say "No no Coen!" and he'll whine and attempt it one last time and then i'll say "Coen!" and then he cries because he knows. We have fun together though. He's my lil BFF. We are always together. I'll lay down on the floor with him and play and he'll just crack up. He'll crawl in his room sometimes and just play by himself. I'm glad he can entertain himself.  He's also starting to dance which I love! Anything with a lot of base and he gets his lil booty shaking...and don't you dare laugh at him because he will look back at you like..."umm yes?? I'm getting my groove you mind?" I love my lil stinky booty. I can't believe he's 2 months away from  1 year. My big boy! *tear*

grubbin on celery at the Al Green Concert


Mama got a new camera.....


Mmm Toes!

Lil explorer!

Look ma! No hands!

Just catchin up on Woody and Friends...

Peek-a-boo I see you...Coen's favorite lil guy.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Busy little bee!

Holy cow what a whirlwind month! So much is going on it's hard to keep up. Well school is going awesome. For being a super bullshitter on all of my homework I still seem to be getting A's in all of my classes! Woohoo! Finished my last assignment today for Literature. I practically ran out of the testing center. I get 1 week to myself and then its on to fall semester. Good hell.  I calculated how long it will take me to take the other 45 classes I still need to get my Bachelors at the pace i'm going(never do this btw it's a total downer and will take the wind right out of your sails!) If I keep taking 3 classes per semester it's going to take me 7 years to graduate. If I take 4 it will take me 5. Kill me now! Ok...if my math is wrong please correct me. I suck at Math! Which, I have this fall. I have Math (dumbass math), Anthropology and Intro to Business.  Not excited, but i'm getting it done. One day at a time I guess.

On top of all of this somehow I've managed to start a photography business. Completely by accident. Just kind of started happening. My fam wanted their pics, then my sis, then my cousin, then my cousins sister, then my cousin's sisters husband, then my husband's friend, etc...etc....Well all this time i've been just borrowing my mom's camera which has been a pain in the ass because she uses it often and I have to bring it back the next day. My husband said, "enough of that" and went out and bought me a fancy shmancy camera. A Canon EOS 5D Mark II to be exact. What all that means...couldn't tell ya! To me it means, damn good pictures and having to read the manual to even understand how to take the pictures to begin with. It also means $1600 in my clumsy hands. This terrifies me.  Well, my husband is completely on board now and has gotten all the books, lenses, camera bags, tripods etc..we even registered for a business license. This was literally within a week! It's a lil stressful but I like it. Editing takes a long time and we have a sloooooww assss computer but we're working on upgrading.  I like it. It makes people happy and that makes me happy. I've always been one of those people with a million photos in their house and I can appreciate the value of captured memories. They are tangible memories that are only accessible through a photo. Do I think i'll be filthy rich from this? Probably not, but its a fun hobby and it makes more $ in day than I get paid to go to work twice a week. So yes, i'm staying in school. Our business name is "Oh Snap! Photography." I dreamt about it, thought it was funny, everyone liked there it is. We've been busy every weekend since we started it up, but it feels good to be excited about something together.  We figure if nothing comes of it at least we'll have a nice camera to take pictures of our travels and our kids.

Working on a business page and all that jazz but for now, check out our Facebook Page:

and if you know anybody that needs their pics done let me know!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Foam Fest!

What a blast! Definitely doing this next year! Me, Mom and Veronica didn't know what we were getting into! What you don't see are the giant 8 ft walls we had to climb over, the mud puddle up to our waists, the string maze, and the "walk-on water" bridge. It was so much fun though! Next 5K on the 25th! Feels so good to get my heart pumpin!