Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Checking In

You would think as a stay at home mom that I have nothing to do except hang around my half naked almost 2 year old and watch grey's anatomy all day, but...No. With school, photography, a toddler, pregnancy and good weather;  I feel the days just fly by. Its insane. This lil crazy face boy is starting to talk! He says, "bye-bye" and "no" (couldn't dodge that one), "uh-oh," "daddy" (as if daddy is never going to come home again, or maybe he thinks everything is "daddy.") The "mama's" still come in sheer desperation, but I'll take it. He's picking up more and more signs everyday. "Please, more, eat, drink, potty." He no longer just points to his hand when he wants something, which always cracked me up, like "I want that...put it in my hand. "

We are thinking its time for potty training now because the other day during "naked time" he ran into the bathroom and commenced to peeing on the floor. I wasn't happy about cleaning pee up off the floor, but I was glad that he understood the vicinity in which pee should leave your body. I'm currently "pinning" all kinds of links to help me with this wonderful task.

As you know, I am expecting #2.  My first doctor's appointment was last month and what a joy that was. My husband had to work so I recruited my friend (that has 2 twin girls in the NICU) to assist me in watching my wild child as he frolicked about the waiting room and sprinted up and down the hallways. Unfortunately my doctor got called into an emergency c-section and what would have been an hour appointment turned into 3. Yikes! My friend had to head up to the NICU to see her girls, so it was just me and my hungry, grumpy son awaiting the doc. When he arrived, Coen was beyond pissed and didn't want another single human being to even look at him. The nurse tried to hold him during my "Lady tests" and he was not having it, so instead I ended up holding my wiggly child during an already uncomfortable exam. Not our finest hour, but...we did get to see Numero Dos. He or She was just a lil blob at this point. I was thinking, man what a lazy lil lump, but I guess it doesn't have any reflexes at 8 weeks so it was straight chillin. I just remember Coen looking like a lil teddy gram and wiggling all around so I was like...."ummm, what's wrong with it?" LOL. Oh and evidently my uterus is tilted now, which makes it hard and very uncomfortable to see the baby. I blame this on my last Dr. who treated my insides like a bag of laundry and kind of just shoved everything back in there. UGH. I swear I should've sued. (If you don't know the story....see Labor Day-The Birth of my Son)

Anyhow, we saw the lil one again today and its officially looking like a baby. Definitely has my big head. It was moving but not all crazy like Coen. Just a chill lil baby, which makes me nervous that when he/she gets out it will not be so chill. One calm and one wild. That's how it goes right? Mike wants to go to Fetal Photo at 15 weeks to see what we're having again. I have no intuition this time. Last time I was certain it was a boy, but this time I don't know....guess we'll see.

In other news: Spring semester is over for me. After this blog post I will take my last final. I passed my math class by the skin of my teeth. 70% need to pass, I got a 71%. I'll take it! I spent forever studying. I will officially be in college math this summer. I don't know how i'm gonna get through 1010 if I struggled so much with 990. Ugh. But I got 2 A's and even squeaked out a B in Math. Whew! I'm only taking 2 classes this summer and I may take a break this fall. A newborn, a toddler and school....I dunno if I can't take it.

I have a 5K run coming up in May and I have been slacking like nobody's business. But in my defense, I am pregnant. Morning sickness this round is All-day-sickness. Luckily Mike recruited me for his work soccer team so I've been doing a little bit of running. I think i'll still be able to pull it off. It's actually pretty fun playing with my hubby. He gets so excited for games lol, it's cute.

Anyhow, that's about all that's been going on with us. Life is pretty good.