Yep that's me. Flakier than a buttermilk biscuit. Lately I have been invited to about 10 million different things and I'm like "yea, I'll go" but come the day i'm like..."Bleh, I don't want to get dressed, I don't want to drive, I don't want to fight my kid into putting clothes
and shoes on, I don't want to spend money......I'm not going." LOL
I honestly don't mean to be this way, but lately I don't want to run around. Yes, I'm pulling the pregnant card....I'm friggin tired mayne. I'm at the "I can barely breathe" faze. I walk up the stairs or walk too swiftly, I'm gonna need a 15 minute break before I do anything else. Don't let the fact that "i'm little" fool you. This baby is now active as ever, so come night time when I would like to go to sleep there is literally a party in my tummy. (Yes I did just quote Yo-Gabba-Gabba) This kid spends all night breakdancing and then around 7 am he wakes me up again to feed him. His kicks are no longer subtle and cute. He's like, "Maybe if I stick my feet up in these ribs she'll get up...." So i'm up right now at 8 am. And if you know me, you know that I do not get up til noon. Hey, don't hate....that's a privilege of being a SAHM (stay at home mom) and having a growing toddler that likes to sleep in. I'm not one of those "He naps at noon, he eats at 3, he plays at 5" type moms. I'm like: when he's tired he'll sleep, when he's hungry he'll eat and he can run around in a diaper or butt naked all day if he wants. If he wants to dump the whole box of cereal on the floor and then pretend to swim in it, i'm ok with that. Let em live before they have to grow up and get on "The Man's" clock. He's only got a few years before he has to go to school and get into a routine. Why start him now when he's friggin not even 2? I sleep just fine (aside from the baby kicking me)
Anyway, as I ramble.....This type of schedule doesn't usually work with other mommy's schedules. Their kids are up at 6am and they are having play-dates at 10 am which means if we're gonna hang out, I gotta drag my ass outta bed. Also Coen's because he sleeps until about 10, 10:30. So instead, we end up hanging out together at home. Crafting, walking to the park, reading, teaching him new words etc...just simple stuff. I am not trying to isolate myself and i'm not mad at the mom's that are on a schedule. Lord knows it's not going to be easy getting Coen into the swing of things come school time, but right now....we're having a good time just doing our own thing. Girl's nights are all fine and dandy, but I need a lot of notice. I don't have a regular babysitter. Thus the reason I stay home...My parents work, my husband's parents work, We have no grandparents in the state.....Outside of work my mom has a crazy social life so I'm lucky if
I get to see her, let alone my child. My husband is one of the busiest men in America. If I need him to watch Coen while I have "lady time" I need to check his crazy schedule first. I'm ok with it though. Most times, if my husband is home, I want to be home with him. The other issue is money. We have another baby coming and our insurance is pure comedy so we've gotta make sure we are prepared for the ginormous bill that is coming our way in 4 months. Now let's throw baby #2 into the equation and we'll see how much time I have on my hands.....
So I just want to apologize publicly if i've flaked on you. I know I said "Yes, I'll go" and then the next day I didn't call or texted some lame excuse or something actually did come up. I don't mean to be flakey, but sometimes I'd rather sleep or stay home. That's just where I am right now. If we are still cool in about....a year or two when I'm done with school and my kids are a little big bigger and I'm not pregnant and juggling a bunch of crap....than cool. If're are just too cool for me :)