Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday Confession

It's been another long week and I am very tired!

Catchin Zzzz's on the ottoman

Saturday, May 19, 2012

5K Race Day

Well the day finally came. The 5k race. My friend Veronica and I have been "training" since March. It's been hard with kids. Her kid got sick and my kid got sick. Then we both got sick . We took a lot of days off and I wasn't sure we were going to be able to make it. My lungs weren't sure either. But we've really pushed hard these past few weeks and we made it through. We both got up at like 5 am to be to the race shuttle by 6 and then we waited an hour at the starting line to run. The race started in the mouth of the canyon and It was freeeezing cold but once we got moving it got better. About 5 minutes into running some stupid kid came pushing to get ahead and pushed my friend and she rolled her ankle. I would've sprinted to punch his punk-ass in the face but I wanted to make sure she was ok. She fought through it and we only walked like twice for 2-3 minutes. I really think we could've ran the whole thing. I was so pumped up that I'm sure my adrenaline would've carried me to the finish line but...we started together and we wanted to finish together. At the last mile we sprinted to the finish line. It was such an awesome feeling.

We finished in 38 minutes. Our goal was under 45.

My husband and son were there cheering us on.

It was so fun. I can't wait to do the next one. (Which is next month on the 9th for Autism Awareness.)
I'm very proud of myself for actually doing it. I think I may have a new hobby! The first place winner did it in 15 minutes! WHEW...Someday I will try for it. But not anyday soon! I would like to work up to a 10K, then a half marathon and then someday a full marathon. Sounds crazy now but if I give myself ample training time I think I could do it!

I'm going to try to beat my time with this next race.
Freezing before the race started

...and we're off!...

Laughin like crazy faces

Friday, May 18, 2012

Siete Meses

My boy is 7 months old today. I know with every monthly post I seem so shocked that he is actually a month older, but it literally feels like I blink and another month has passed. This month those damn shots gave him a wicked fever and heat rash and I had to go back for a 2nd time because they didn't have all of the shots for him the first time. UGH! It takes everything I have to take him in the ONE time to get all of those shots as it to have to go twice...somebody wants to get punched. Anyway, aside from that...this kid is trying to crawl. I don't know whether to be excited and proud or anxious and terrified. I'm a little of both. I'm proud that he's crossing this milestone, but at the same time that means I can't leave him alone anymore. He's going to get into everything. It's definitely time to babyproof this house. As I scan the room now I see so many hazards. Things that can fall on his head, shock him, poke his eyes out.  Lord, don't I have enough gray hairs? He's also saying Mama and Dada and I think with an understanding of what it means. He doesn't wake up screaming from his naps anymore. He just lays in his crib and plays. Hopefully that carries over into his nighttime ritual. His hair if finally growing back. He has one super long patch of hair in the middle of his head. I call it his "Nappy Patch" because it curls up and is all kinky. That might be the only part of  mama's hair that he gets because the rest is straight. He is sitting up more on his own, but he's still a lil wobbly. I blame that big ol gut he's got. I'm happy that he's progressing so much and sad too. He barely fits on my chest to sleep now.  We should see some big changes in him in this next month. Wish me luck!

Coen and his cousin Andrew

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blogs worth reading

I'm not much of a blogger. Obviously if you've been following my mile long random rants of nothingness, you know what I mean. There are a few choice ladies that really bust me up and make me rethink my approach to this whole blogging thing.  If you're sick of reading mine or just want a good laugh or cry, here are some quality blogs.

SideNote: I do not read all of these.(Ya'll know i don't have time for that) I just randomly stumbled upon most of them and one way or another I find my way back to them once in awhile (aka I bookmarked them) (My fave!!!)
(She also has a hilarious memoir out called, "Let's Pretend this Never Happened."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

It was my first Mothers day today but lets face it, that changes nothing. Dishes still needed to be done, clothes washed, diapers changed. So I did it.  There really are no "days-off" from motherhood.  I let Mike sleep in because he was tired and enjoyed the morning with Coen.  Mike bought me the book Born To Run, which i'm dying to read but probably will have to wait til the end of this semester to start. We went to my aunt's house to celebrate with my family. We printed some pictures of Coen for my mom. At my aun'ts we had all kinds of crafts to do. We played games, made lil sleep masks and planted flowers.  Then we went to see Mike's mom and we brought her a Hibiscus plant for her garden. It was a nice quiet, relaxing day.

The pictures we gave to our mamas:

Someday he will have a neck! :)

The end of the day was bittersweet for me....

A few weeks ago my co-worker Brian was up at the Weber River taking family pictures when his son slipped and fell into the current and drowned. It had been 3 weeks and they still couldn't locate his body. They had a memorial for him on Saturday and finally yesterday they found him. He was only 4 years old.

I've never wanted to hold my son so tight. It just makes you realize that anything can happen at any time.  Everybody is saying "OMG,why'd they have him by the river?" Umm...haven't u been by a river with your parents before? I'd fish with my parents at about the same age. Accidents happen. It's so sad and so terrifying all at the same time. Remember the plastic bubble I was telling you about? I want one now more than ever.

I'm just glad that now they can finally put him to rest and not have this gnawing feeling in the back of their mind.

RIP Corbin Anderson.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


My husband and I hardly have time for "date-nights" anymore. We put aside money every month for at least one fine evening outside of the house a month. Even if Coen is with us, we try to do it. Well Coen had his 6 month shots on Monday and has been fevery and sick all week and I would've felt incredibly guilty leaving him; so we took him with us.

We went for Indian Food. A first for both of us. As we packed up to leave Mike said "Ok Coen...YOU will be the one to make or break our date night, so be a good boy!"

We went to this little local restaurant up by the college. Indian Food has a very distinctive smell. So does B.O. which was the first thing we were greeted with when we sat down. The guy behind us literally smelled homeless. -Strike one.  We looked over the menu and asked the waitress for her suggestions. She kept talking to me as if I should know. "Oh, it's typical indian rice. Basmati." Me: Ummm...I've never had it before. Watiress: (Puzzled look across her face). LOL...I am not from India! This happens all the time. -Strike 2.  Coen was being a very good boy as we ordered. Just playin with his toys in his carseat and cooing. After we finished ordering he got very fussy so I decided to take him out of his carseat.  That's when Mike said "Umm...babe..." My eyes followed his disgusted gaze and saw there was a little brown somethin' somethin' on the back of Coen's onesie. As I tried to turn him around to get a better look I put  my hand on the side of his body and literally felt and saw the poo seep through his shirt.-Strike 3.

I took him to the car to change him and put on a fresh diaper. It was EVERY where and rancid as hell. Bleh! He thought it was hilarious of course.  I usually have a few changes of clothes for him but for some reason I had everything except a shirt. I was wearing this little cardigan over my tank top so I just put that on him and went back inside. This kid looked like a mini-heff. He had his chest all out. LOL. It was so funny. Our food had arrived and we quickly scarfed what we could (which was absolutely delicious by the way) and had to leave because by that point Coen wanted to eat.

We took the rest home and both agreed that next time we'd just get our food to go.



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Look at me now (Mommy Edition)

Saw this on (which is an awesome mommy site btw) and It busted me up. 


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Confession

Going back to school kind of feels like sticking hot needles in my eyeballs. Summer semester starts tomorrow and honestly I'm not excited. I blame the sunshine. It makes me want be active. Not read  our so called "History of American Freedom."  I have undergrad History and Literature and I looked over the syllabus today and I'm already overwhelmed. I have to read 4 chapters this week and they are long and I have to write a summary for each chapter siting my sources in MLA format. (won't lie...can't remember how to do that) I honestly feel like I cannot retain any information. Especially when it's given to me in a book that for every other word I have to use the dictionary. But what can I do? I gotta at least try my best and get through it.  Bless all of you "lifetime students." I just want this over already. Wish me luck. I'm gonna have to drink some serious caffeine this summer and take a lot of notes. Send me good vibes. I"m in this til August.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Flashback Friday

This is one of those songs that I always end up singing in the shower. I also loved the book as a kid. The movie is also one of my faves. (The original not the acid trip-scary-Johnny Depp remake that still gives me nightmares.)