Friday, May 18, 2012

Siete Meses

My boy is 7 months old today. I know with every monthly post I seem so shocked that he is actually a month older, but it literally feels like I blink and another month has passed. This month those damn shots gave him a wicked fever and heat rash and I had to go back for a 2nd time because they didn't have all of the shots for him the first time. UGH! It takes everything I have to take him in the ONE time to get all of those shots as it to have to go twice...somebody wants to get punched. Anyway, aside from that...this kid is trying to crawl. I don't know whether to be excited and proud or anxious and terrified. I'm a little of both. I'm proud that he's crossing this milestone, but at the same time that means I can't leave him alone anymore. He's going to get into everything. It's definitely time to babyproof this house. As I scan the room now I see so many hazards. Things that can fall on his head, shock him, poke his eyes out.  Lord, don't I have enough gray hairs? He's also saying Mama and Dada and I think with an understanding of what it means. He doesn't wake up screaming from his naps anymore. He just lays in his crib and plays. Hopefully that carries over into his nighttime ritual. His hair if finally growing back. He has one super long patch of hair in the middle of his head. I call it his "Nappy Patch" because it curls up and is all kinky. That might be the only part of  mama's hair that he gets because the rest is straight. He is sitting up more on his own, but he's still a lil wobbly. I blame that big ol gut he's got. I'm happy that he's progressing so much and sad too. He barely fits on my chest to sleep now.  We should see some big changes in him in this next month. Wish me luck!

Coen and his cousin Andrew

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