Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Vote...that Everybody Shutup!

Let me say this: I am proud to be an American. I am ever so thankful for the rights that I have in this beautiful country. I'm a woman, I'm African American and Latina, and I have the right to vote. I am so thankful for the people that fought and sacrificed for me to be able to do so.  I have exercised my right and my right not to vote.

This year, I am especially annoyed with the Election. People, that I know can't even spell election, are acting like they have had all the facts of what the President has done and not done and what needs to be done.  I've never seen so much action. Where was all this hullabaloo during the last 4 years? Not a peep from anybody about anything. Half of these folks just found out it was time to vote, the day before. Then when Obama won (No I didn't vote....but I don't think we were quite ready for Mitt) people are talking about how disgusted they are with it and how the world is in the shit hole etc, How they're going to move to Canada etc...  I'm just like...shut the hell up. He got deal with it. I can't wait til everyone quiets down with this crap., you didn't give 2 shits about anything and now you wanna talk about how the President should run the country? Go to sleep!

Honestly, I wasn't super excited about either one of the candidates. They both have their good and their bad. I don't trust either one of them. They talk a big talk, and say what they gotta say to gets votes. Once they got their foot in the's another story.  All we can do is sit back and watch how everything unfolds. The people really don't have much say in it all. Everybody likes to make you think you do, but it's more like a tally. How many people like Obama over Mitt...Huh...well that's nice...but what really counts is this Electoral College vote that has nothing to do with all of ya'll people standing in line. SMH

LOL...J/ if you want :)

Now we get onto more upbeat things....Like Thanksgiving!.....

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