Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Jonah-4 Months

Man, I feel like I just posted about 3 months and now this kid is already 4 months. Our little squeaker is acting like he's 6 months and holding his head up like he's been doing it since birth. He sits in his bumbo unassisted (I had to prop Coen's head up til about 6 months) but we are having the same problem that we did with Coen...he chubby little legs get stuck. When we pull him out you can hear him "pop" out like the suction is being released. LOL I don't leave him in it very long because I fear it will cut off the circulation. He loves to sit up though. Also he has rolled over a few times from back to stomach.  According to "the book" babies usually roll over from stomach to back first, but Coen didn't do it and neither did Jonah. What can I say...these kids are rule breakers! :P  He is "cooing" like crazy and seems to "talk" back when we say things to him. He is very ticklish and laughs at the silly faces we make. Overall he's just a ball of joy.

We've moved on up to 3-6 month clothes, so I guess he's right on track for that. Newborn clothes are officially retired and given away. So I guess we better not have another kid. Although sometimes he falls asleep with me, he sleeps just fine alone in his crib or bassinet and i'm so grateful that I pushed myself to follow through on teaching him to sleep alone. He's fine, and i'm getting much needed sleep.

My pediatrician gave us the green light on rice cereal at 4 months so, today we will give it a try and see if he likes it. I feel like my supply has been a bit low with being sick lately, so hopefully a little rice will help while I binge on Oatmeal and Mother's milk tea. I'm still shooting for a year of breastfeeding. Although I went 18 months with Coen,  i'm going to pump more this month and officially substitute the bottle for one feeding and gradually move up. I was a human pacifier for Coen, I won't do that again.

Also, as per 4 month initiation in this house, Jonah rolled off the bed. Coen did it the first time at 4 months too so we are officially onto low surfaces and supervised high surfaces (if at all) I happened to come home from school and lay down with my lil chunk for a nap when I was u pleasantly awakened by a "thud" followed by shrill screaming. He literally scooted across the bed from my side to mikes side and fell off. Thank goodness we left carpet in the rooms and he didn't land on anything or hurt himself. I think it scared us more than anything. So glad these kids are built like little linebackers.

Anyhow...cheers to 4 months my sweet boy! And as usual, the photo blast:

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I have oatmeal coming out of my seems to help though so.... More gruel sir :)
