Saturday, March 1, 2014

Coen-16 months

I realize that now that Coen is over a year and has had his 2nd birthday, I haven't really talked about his milestones. I guess kids grow a lot the first year so after that, it's just little things. But...the little things are equally important and so I've decided to keep up on my handsome oldest son on here as well.

Well let's see. Since Coen's 2nd birthday we were only getting a few words out of him. No real sentences strung together or anything and we were a little bit worried because of course you come across other 2 year olds who have a helluva lot to say and know exactly how they want to say it and say it like an adult. We realized we're not super talkative people. I mean a lot of the time i'm doing homework, or editing pictures or cleaning house, making dinner etc...and Mike is at work or reading or playing FIFA or something and it doesn't take a lot of convo to do those things. Don't get me wrong we converse with each other but not in the way that kids pick up on. We decided to make an effort after Coen's 2nd birthday to start talking more about everything, what we're doing, how we're doing it, why we're doing it, what color it is etc.. etc... We sound pretty crazy but i'll be damned if it didn't work.

Coen is talking non-stop. He is literally a parrot. I'm so impressed with how quickly he's learning new words. He's using "Please" and "Thank-you" in the right context, he's cleaning up his room on his own now and saying "put it back" he's saying "Help" when he gets frustrated with something and can't do it on his own (HuGE one for me because normally he'd just stand there and scream while I pointed to 900 different objects trying to appease him) he's saying "Shoes" and "Bike" and "Batman" and "here we go" and "wahoo" and "Baby" and "brother" and knows most of the parts of the body and he knows that stove is "hot" and when things come out of it they are also hot. We just went over colors last week and just today he came in and said "blue car" and "red car" and he was exactly right. It's amazing.

Communication is so important and knowing what he wants has made things so much easier.

As far as the terrible 2''s had his moments. I fear 3 will be the worst. I'll be honest, I'm more of the disciplinarian in our house. Mike thinks i'm too hard on him, but I want him to learn the right behavior and the wrong behavior now so that we don't have to try to break bad habits later. It's funny because whenever he is doing something he shouldn't be doing, who does he look at to see if he's in trouble? Mommy! But on the same foot, he respects me and still loves me at the end of the day and he's learning right from wrong. I have to see the tantrums on a daily basis so...I guess Mike just wants to spend his time loving on him. That's fine. He can tackle the hard stuff when he hits his teens.

Anyway. My little guy is just getting so big. He astounds me. He really does. Every free minute I have with him to myself I just wanna squeeze him and soak it up.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been on here, but OMG Coen is so big now!!! I love seeing all the pictures and of little Jonah too. So freaking cute!
