Friday, January 31, 2014

Good Morning

Everyday I wake to the grunts of a hungry baby for a 7:30 feeding. I know 3 hours have passed since I laid down to sleep. I recognize the blue light that creeps into the house at this hour. I change Jonah's diaper and watch him giggle and squirm in his crib. I lie down to feed him and watch him drink himself to sleep in the comfort of my arms and warmth of my skin. I pull him close to me and touch my toddlers back to check for breathing; an impulse since his birth. I am comforted as I feel him start at my touch, nuzzle into my back and let out a long, peaceful sigh. I begin to slip into sleep again when I hear the tune of Mike's alarm clock and watch as he fumbles for the snooze button. I am in between awake and asleep as I feel my husband reluctantly rise from the bed and slink into the bathroom. I hear the whir of water and clink of his toothbrush. The bathroom door croaks open and the closet hangers clink as he shuffles through his work clothes. I am lulled to sleep by deep breaths of my sons next to me as I hear the distant jingle of car keys and I wake myself for a moment to turn and see Mike as he shimmies past the bassinet to kiss me goodbye. He whispers a quiet, " I love you," and I hoarsely reply "I love you too." Our fingers linger together for a moment and then I feel him slip away into his day. The clunk of the door sends me back to sleep.

Good Morning.

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