Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jonah-2 months

Well,  another month has gone by and what a difference it has made in this little guy. He's just a cooing away and smiling like he's the happiest person in the world. I love it. His little smile just brightens me right up...even at 4 am when he is wide awake with no hope of sleep in sight. He absolutely hates tummy time, but his neck is getting a lot stronger and he's holding his head up longer and longer. He still likes to throw himself backward when we hold him, but luckily he hasn't completely fallen out of our arms (yet!)  He loves to be held and I love to hold him, but if I learned anything with Coen it's that you've gotta put them down so they learn to hang out alone once in awhile. The swing has been my saving grace lately so that I can get a few things done.  He still ends up in the bed next to me sometimes when he's half asleep and hungry and when i'm half awake and too lazy to put him back in the bassinet. He sleeps for about 4 good hours next to me and I don't mind the snuggles. I usually end up a mom sandwich between Coen and Jonah and poor Mike hangs off the other side LOL.  He is starting to figure out his hands and grasping with intent now. When I hold him he'll open his little hand and hold onto my arm.  With me being back in school I've had to start enforcing the bottle, which so far has been no bueno. He seriously just get pissed. Same with pacifiers. Not having it.  Poor Mike seems so helpless when I go to school (3 hrs on Tues, 5 hours on Sat) because he can't get him to eat. Usually he just cries until he falls asleep and I bring my engorged self home.  I try to feed him right before I leave, but Saturdays are just a little too long.  On the 25th  i'm going to school and then around 7 i'm going to dinner in Salt Lake with my best friend for her birthday. That means Mike, alone with the kids for probably 8 or 9 hours. So we've really gotta get this bottle thing figured out. 

I can honestly say something about his second baby has changed me. My patience and my tolerance (now that my hormones are semi-normal again) have increased. I just realized that some things you've got to accept. Like no sleep and constant messes. I used to get so flustered and now i'm like...whatev...I know i'm not getting any sleep or  let him make a mess...he's a kid. No use sweeping 900 times a day or putting the toys away 10 dozen times.  I feel more at peace with myself when I don't get so worked up about these little things. Yes i'm a housewife and sometimes the house is a mess...but we have children now...and that's what they do.  My husband is fed and his clothes are ironed so...he doesn't make a fuss about it either.  Everybody's happy! :)

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