Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Confession

Going back to school kind of feels like sticking hot needles in my eyeballs. Summer semester starts tomorrow and honestly I'm not excited. I blame the sunshine. It makes me want be active. Not read  our so called "History of American Freedom."  I have undergrad History and Literature and I looked over the syllabus today and I'm already overwhelmed. I have to read 4 chapters this week and they are long and I have to write a summary for each chapter siting my sources in MLA format. (won't lie...can't remember how to do that) I honestly feel like I cannot retain any information. Especially when it's given to me in a book that for every other word I have to use the dictionary. But what can I do? I gotta at least try my best and get through it.  Bless all of you "lifetime students." I just want this over already. Wish me luck. I'm gonna have to drink some serious caffeine this summer and take a lot of notes. Send me good vibes. I"m in this til August.

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