Sunday, March 18, 2012

5 months

Although it has been a very tumultuous month filled with dr's appt's and medicine and crying, Coen is still a lil G and has crossed many milestones. He is starting to sit-up on his own (a lil) and discovering his hands. He's rolling over from back to front and I think he's starting to teeth (which is not gonna be fun) He's sleeping longer during the night in his bassinet. He's outgrowing it though, so it looks like we'll be moving him to the crib and into his room soon. I still find myself springing from bed suddenly to check if he's breathing, so we'll see how much sleep mama gets once he's in the crib. It's a good thing though. It's time.


Just waking up from a nap

playtime with papa

Big smiles

All tuckered out

Giggle Box 
Sitting Up like a big boy

Just Loungin'

Stroller Buddies

"What are these things?"

Poor lil sick guy

SleepyTime with Mama

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