Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Confession

I am so done with all of these debates on religion. Every where I look someone is being judged for their beliefs. Living in Utah my entire life (minus 3 very revealing years) there has always been the issue of religion. Utah is known for the Mormon religion. I know as much as I want to know about it and decided long ago it is not for me. I have no ill will towards the religion or missionaries or anybody exercising their right to be Mormon. My father was raised staunch catholic and my mother was raised by my grandmother whom was Jehovah's Witness for a span and is now actually LDS. My mother and father weren't big fans of organized religion, and neither am I. I was raised to believe in God. I prayed over every meal, I said my prayers at night  and I was read the Bible. I had my own stretch of time where I visited different churches to see which suited me best. Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Non-denominational, None of them really called to me.  They all just seem like a business to me. My stance on religion has changed over the years and i'll admit that i'm not the most educated person on it. I can't quote the Bible from front to back or know every psalm for every situation.  But I believe what I believe and i'm very comfortable with my beliefs. If I have to answer for anything later....that's on me. I do not need nor want anybody trying to save my soul or telling me or trying to convince me that there is a better way to do it than the way I am. If you've found a way to exercise your belief...congratulations. I'm happy for you. I respect you all the same.

 I've recently had several situations with the missionaries coming to visit. I am kind and honest and respectfully decline. They've continued to knock on my door for months. So recently I posted a sign asking for No Soliciting or Religious Queries. I do not mind that they are just serving their mission and this is what they were sent out to do. I do mind having to tell them over and over that i'm not interested. Its starting to become uncomfortable. My husband served a mission in Brasil and was a part of the church since childhood. He still has tremendous respect for the church, but has since parted ways before we re-met.  He has his reasons and beliefs and I have mine. We are both very happy together and although we do not practice any particular religion we still strive to have good-morals and to be good people.

Religion is always a very heated debate and i'm definitely not trying to go there. I just simply want to have your beliefs and I have mine. If mine differ from yours, that does not mean you need to pray for me. Pray for yourself and your judging and self-righteousness. All this bitterness and arguing about who's beliefs are right or wrong are ridiculous. No person on earth can know. Many claim they do. But we all have to find out for ourselves. Those that REALLY  know...are dead and they're keeping it a secret.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this! I'm sick and tired of people feeling they need to "help" me just because I don't practice my beliefs the same way they do.
