Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home Sweet Sweet Home

I am very content with staying at home. I work only twice a week (more for play money and for a lil social interaction) I would be perfectly fine not attending a social activity every week or seeing friends.  I don't know if it's just something that happens when you have a family, but I'm happy hanging out with just my hubby and my son.  I don't have to come up with conversation. I don't have to pack my son up with extra outfits and diapers. I don't have to comb my hair or put on a clean shirt. I can walk around with my boob out, in yesterdays sweats and my hair full of whispies. Coen can just chill in his diaper and watch mama make crazy faces. I can walk to the park and just take in the noise of passing cars and pet dogs through the fence and be back home in 30 minutes.Maybe its because my kids are little and I will never have these moments with them again. They'll get to a point where they're gonna have "cooler" people to hang out with than their mom. Anyhow,  If I "plan" on going anywhere it takes forever to get ready to go and then once we're there I'm sneaking into another room to breastfeed or apologizing that my kid is screaming his head off for no apparent reason or for the fact that I can't participate in whatever is going on. And if Mike's home, I'd rather be home with him. I'm too lazy to be social....but i'm happy with it. Facebook and this blog exhaust all the energy I'm willing to give. Call me anti-social...I call it content!

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