Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mom-Things I've learned...

1. Pampers makes the best wipes.

2. Buy a dresser. A solid wood one. Not those plasticy ones. They will grow with your kid and last.

3. Hand-me-downs are awesome. Your kid will grow out of clothes in 2.5 seconds and you're not going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe every few months. Take what you can get and save some $.

4. Breastfeeding...F*n hurts. For at least the first 2 weeks. It will get better. If you're going to do it...kudos. It is the best thing for your lil one and it's also free! If you're going to work...then pump! (ok...i'm getting off my soapbox now)

5. Your kid's hair will probably fall out. Don't be sad. It will grow back...verrrrry slooowly.

6. Breastfed babies poop...still smells like poop. Don't believe the hype

7. Stop wearing black. I have a white stain on almost every shoulder of every black shirt I own from my kid puking on me.  I will probably stop wearing white once my kid is fully eating solids.

8. Cutting your babies fingernails and toenails is like performing surgery on a mosquito. It's awful and scary and I hate it.

9. Men are terrible multi-taskers. It's not their fault,  its just not in their genetic material. Don't be mad if your husband can't feed and rock the baby while changing his diaper and also cook dinner while holding a conversation with you. It's just one of those woman super powers.

10. A mom can make up a song for almost every activity of the day...bathtime, mealtime, crying...It's quite the talent

11. Your baby will get hurt and it will scare the shit out of both of you. Probably mostly you. It's ok. You're not a bad mother. You're just human and sometimes shit happens.

12. Even though you are a mother...don't expect your mother to treat you like a mother. She will treat you like her daughter and tell you what you should be doing for your child. Take it with a grain of salt and remember she just became a grandmother. Being overbearing may be her way of coping.

13. Babies have some stank feet. They sweat and their feet tend to smell like cheddar cheese. (yes I bathe my child...its just one of those things...I asked my Dr. LOL)

14. Babies do not need 10 layers of clothing. I'm always cold and so I think my kid has got to be freezing. Nope. He's a chunky boy and like most people with some meat on their bones...he sweats like a mutha. I bring extra clothes and blankets just in case...but usually he doesn't need anything but a light blanket over him and MAYBE a beanie.

15. 7 minutes of sleep can do wonders

16. Coffee never tastes better than at 6 am when you have one eye open and one slipper on and a perky bright eyed and bushy tailed baby in your arms.

I will add more to this when I think of other stuff...

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