Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Young The Giant

The concert was on Tuesday and it was AWESOME! I forget how much I love live shows. Mike and I usually get there early and find a spot up front on the left side of the stage, but not this time. We had to wait for the babysitter and quickly feed our faces, put air in the tires.  You know...grown up stuff. We didn't get to our usual spot because it was super crowded. I'm glad we didn't though. Those kids were squished like no other. I probably would've punched someone in their face.

I tried to enjoy the show and act like I wasn't a parent...but it's just not possible. I had Mike text his mom after like every song to see if Coen was being a good boy. She always assured us that he was.

GroupLove opened up for Young the Giant. I honestly had never heard of them, but they were pretty good. They came and hung out in the 21+ section with us and I got a pic with the guitarist and bassist.

Andrew Wessen & Sean Gadd from GroupLove

Then Young the Giant came on.

They were so good live. I hate paying to see a band that sucks live. If you've never heard of them, you should check them out. I pretty much like all of their songs. My favs are: Street Walker, Strings, West Virginia, and I Got. 

Now usually I like to stick around and see if they do a meet and greet....but I just wanted to get home to my baby.

When we got home Coen was just waking up from a nap. He was still breathing. Still had all of his fingers and toes. Didn't miraculously start walking or crawling or anything. I know Mike's mom raised 7 kids of her own...but I still worried as I'm sure all mothers do.

Glad our first outing was as success. Now maybe we'll do this 6 more months! :)

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