Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday Confession

I think that other girls think that I'm weird. I think i'm kind of weird anyway but the reason is because  I don't have many girl friends. I don't really get along with girls that well. I come from a family of crazy aunts. Sometimes they are hard to read. You could say something wrong and snap...all hell breaks loose. Whenever i'm introduced to a new girl or our paths/circles cross I always feel awkward.  I end up talking too much. Revealing all kinds of info where they are like "Damn girl..." or I realize that I do this and reveal nothing....We sit there in awkward silence. It's always been easy for me having guy friends because you can say nothing and they don't get all bent out of shape. They don't assume that you hate them or that something is wrong.

As hard as this is to say...girl friends=drama. One way or another it happens. The ones that say " I don't like drama." Usually are the worst ones. This is why I only have a few close females friends and I've known them 10, 20 years.

For any future girls I meet or come across:

-I'm sorry i'm weird.
-Sometimes I'm quiet for no reason. I'm just in my own head.
-I don't know when to hug people sometimes so I hug you once and not the next time...this doesn't mean I hate you...maybe I think my armpits stink or something.
-I honestly forget to speak sometimes. Especially now that I have a kid. I will go somewhere and completely forget to greet people. This also doesn't mean I hate you. I'm normally not that rude.
-I'm sorry if you think I wear a lot of makeup. I don't get out of the house much and this is my one time to feel like a normal human being that doesn't wear sweats everyday. Also...I have zits that I like to cover up.
-Girls Night Out sounds awesome...but I have a kid. If you have works...if not it probably will not really happen. My parents have jobs and I don't like to leave him with anybody else. I have to be a responsible adult these days. Not saying never...just not right now....
-I do not want to come to your "dip party", "tupperware party" or any kind of party where I can find it at walmart for cheaper or make it myself. Scentsy and Slumber Party's...maybe
-I'm not mean. My eyebrows just make my face look scowly and i'm all out of contacts and I squint a lot and it makes me look pissed.  I'm honestly normally an upbeat person. (If I don't wear makeup people normally ask me if i'm in a bad mood or sick...thus another reason I wear it...)
-It takes me awhile to warm don't give up on me...

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